Friday, August 14, 2009

Guests gripes!

Ok, so we have all heard of "bridezillas" and stories of what brides let's look at some of the things wedding guests gripe about! Brides, hopefully you will keep these things in mind when planning your wedding.

*Terrible Timing - when you have too much time between your ceremony and the reception. What are they to do for 2-3 hours and still be ready to go to the reception? Sometimes, they just lose interest and don't show up.

*No "Plus Guest" - some single guests hate having to go alone, especially if they don't really know most of your guests.

*Cash Bars - yes, of course they hate that! They would much rather show up and not have to pay for their drinks!

*No or Bad Directions - especially for out of town guests and especially if there is quite a distance between the ceremony and reception.

*Late, Late Meals! - Not necessarily late hours...but also just prolonging the meal being served! Sometimes the toasts go on and on, or the couple is taking too long to take their pictures, etc....the guests are starving and ready to eat!

*Inconvenient or Un-affordable Accommodations - Please be considerate of this and remember it is a good idea to give maybe 3 hotel options - a lower, medium and higher price range. It is always a good idea to also arrange for shuttles from the reception back to the hotel so the guests can drink and have a good time without having to worry about getting a DUI!

*Long, Boring Toasts -Yes, they really hate those! Remind the people that will be toasting it is best to keep them short and to not tell too many "inside joke" stories that mean nothing to 95% of the guests.

*Outdoor Events - When It's 98 degrees! - Need I say more?! Totally uncomfortable!

*Cocktail Hour & No Seating - It is very difficult to mingle, talk and eat at the same time while holding a plate in one hand and a drink in the other! Twice as bad if it takes place in that 98 degree weather we talked about!

There are more, but this is a start...if you have some to add, let us know!

These are not things you should never do - it is simply a list of things we have heard guests complain about!

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